West Cove

Aquatic Vegetation Removal

Aquatic Vegetation Removal for Lakefront Owners

The Summer Village of West Cove has elected once again to participate in the Aquatic Vegetation Removal program in 2023.  As the Summer Village is harvesting adjacent to our Municipal Reserve areas, lakefront owners are able to participate in the program under the Summer Village permit with the Province.f



Please refer to the Disturbance Standards for Temporary Docks and Other Mooring for Personal Recreational Purposes (April 2021) for information  on vegetation removal which states:

“(7) The waterfront holder or semi-waterfront holder may only remove aquatic vegetation if:

(a) cutting of the aquatic vegetation is directly incidental to the permitted activity; or

(b) the aquatic vegetation is a Freshwater Dwelling Invasive Plant listed under Item 2 of the Schedule in the Fisheries (Alberta) Act. 

 (8) Where cutting of aquatic vegetation is directly incidental to the permitted activity, the waterfront holder or semi-waterfront holder may only cut aquatic vegetation in accordance with the following:

(a) aquatic vegetation may only be cut once per year;

(b) aquatic vegetation may only be cut between July 15 and September 15;

(c) the area from which aquatic vegetation may be cut is restricted as follows:

(i) the length of the area from which aquatic vegetation is cut may only consist of a

     single lane from the bank in a direct path perpendicular to the shore;

(ii) the width of the single lane in (i) shall be a maximum of 4 meters;

(iii) the single lane in (i) must remain in the same location every year;

(iv) the depth of cutting of aquatic vegetation shall not be greater than 1 meter below

       the water surface; and

(v) aquatic vegetation may only be cut by manual or mechanical means;

(d) all aquatic vegetation that is cut shall be immediately removed from the bed and shore and disposed of such that nutrients and debris will neither accumulate on the bed and shore nor re-enter the water body.”


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Lake Stewardship and Aquatic Vegetation
Maintaining the health of Alberta’s lakes is everyone’s responsibility. Actions of individual lakeshore residents, decision makers and land users around the lake add up to make a huge difference! Here’s how you can do your part:

As much as possible, leave the lake in its natural condition; let aquatic vegetation grow and enjoy the many benefits they provide

Consider sharing docks, piers and boat lanes within your community to minimize shoreline disturbance, as well as save time and money.

Remember that general beach clean-up involving picking up plant debris that has washed up on shore is ok, but be sure to apply for an approval for any other activities involving aquatic vegetation removal.

Get involved with your local lake stewardship group to help promote beneficial management practices.

If you have any information regarding unauthorized removal of aquatic vegetation, please contact the Alberta Environment Hotline at 1-800-222-6514.

For more information, see the brochure link below:

Respect Our Lakes - Aquatic Vegetation and Lake Health