West Cove

Welcome to the official website of the Summer Village of WestCove. Alberta.

What's New & Alerts

0 - Emergency Management

The Summer Village of West Cove is included in a group of municipalities that form the Ste. Anne Summer Villages Regional Emergency Management Partnership.


1 - NEW! Stay Informed with West Cove Connect - Sign Up Today!

To sign up for West Cove Connect, please register your contact information into the form below.  


2 - Fire Advisories & Bans



Aquatic Vegetation Removal

Aquatic Vegetation Removal for Lakefront Owners


Are you Interested in Volunteering in Your Community? We have a volunteer opportunity!

Are you interested in volunteering or know someone that is? The Summer Village is looking for Community‐Minded Volunteers!




Bylaw Enforcement & Animal Control & Community Peace Officer Services

The Summer Village currently contracts to the Town of Mayerthorpe for Bylaw Enforcement/Animal Control & Community Peace Officer Services - this is a shared service amongst several municipalities - this service for the Summer Village of West Cove is part time.  


Chattels Must Be Removed from Roadways/Boulevards Update



Community Events

No events to note at this time.


Compost Collection Site - Open

A reminder to place branches and leaves as high as possible on the existing pile.   Lake weeds and garden waste are to be placed on the extisting weed pile off to the side.   Thank you for your continued cooperation!


Dock Permit Application - Provincial Requirements

Dock Permits - Provincial RequirementsThere are new requirements in place for placing docks and mooring structures in Alberta Lakes!  These documents outline the requirements and process for an individual to obtain an authorization when required, to place a temporary, seasonal dock for personal recreational use in Alberta’s water bodies.


News Release - Municipalities Preserve Local Clinic

News Release - Municipalities Preserve Local ClinicA collaborative effort between Lac Ste. Anne County and five municipal partners has enabled the Onoway Medical Clinic in Onoway to continue operations as Onoway Regional Medical Clinic. Over the past year, the County has worked closely with The Town of Onoway, and with the Summer Villages of Ross Haven, West Cove, Val Quentin and Silver Sands to ensure this medical facility would continue to be able to provide quality health care services to families in and around the Onoway region.  read more


Off-Highway Vehicle Information

If you drive your quad or snow mobile within or outside of the Summer Village Boundaries, different rules may apply.  Please see the various local bylaws and Provincial requirements below.


Onoway Regional Medical Clinic

March 8, 2024


Proposed Bylaw Amendments

Lac Ste. Anne Bylaw 22-2017-05-20 for Proposed Amendments to Land Use-Bylaw and Bylaw 31-2020 for Proposed Adoption of Dornbusch Area Structure Plan (Campground) 


Tax Payment Information



Thank You to our Volunteers!

Thank you to our volunteers - It could not have been done without you!


West Cove Community League & West Cove Days Committee

Visit the Community League Facebook page for more information on the Community League and their upcoming events.


Page: 1 2 3 4 NEXT 

Council Meetings

Regular council meetings are normally held at 6:30 pm on the last Wednesday of each month. The agenda and Zoom link for each meeting are posted here in advance of the meeting date.

Next Meeting: February 19, 2025 at 6:30 PM

Agenda and Zoom links are posted close to the meeting date.



The West Cove Community Hall is Now Available for Rentals

For rental inquiries, please contact Jim Deeks, Managing Coordinator at (780)919-9099.



Home Support Program & Preventative Counselling Subsidy

The Summer Village of West Cove is partnering with Lac Ste. Anne County to make available to our residents two important programs hosted by the County:


Home Support Program:

This program offers a subsidy for light housekeeping services offered to seniors which helps them remain independent in their own safe, clean and comfortable home.


Preventative Counselling Subsidy:

This program offers a subside to eligible individuals, couples or families who find themselves struggling to afford the cost of short-term preventative counselling services.

Contact the County Office to find out more and if you are eligible – Community Services Department at 780-785-3411 or toll free at 1-866-880-5722. 

Click for more information.


Municipal Accountability Program Report

Every three years, Municipal Affairs completes an accountability audit on municipalities under 2,500 population.   This was completed for the Summer Village of West Cove this spring.  With only two very minor legislative gaps, we are very pleased with the report.  
Click to review the 2022 Municipal Accountability Program Report.



The Lac Ste Anne Summer Village Regionalization Study (SVRS) aims to identify ways in which the Summer Villages on Lac Ste Anne can collaborate to improve service delivery, decrease costs, and improve municipal efficiency.

The final Regionalization Study is available here.

Village Council has accepted this Framework as a recommendation moving forward at their April 27th, 2022 Council meeting.



Click here to read all the latest top 



Waste pick up occurs weekly, year round, on Mondays.  

2025 Waste Pickup Calendar


MAYOR'S MESSAGE - Nov 27, 2024



DID YOU KNOW ... You can have a Firesmart Home Assessment completed for no cost?  Please refer to the attached brochure; if you are interested, please scan the QR code OR go to https://farmfiresmart.ca, go to the bottom of the page and click on Contact Info and fill out the form.  This program is NOT just for farms, they are offering it to Summer Village of West Cove residents as well.  



The Summer Village of West Cove will be working with Aquatic Weed Harvesters again this year to provide lakefront aquatic vegetation removal. The work will be done under the conditions of the Summer Village of West Cove's 5-year Water Act Approval. The Summer Village will be collecting applications and payments from lakefront residents on behalf of Aquatic Weed Harvesters for lake weed removal services.

If you are a lakefront property owner and are interested in having a straight 4-meter strip of lake weeds harvested from in front of your property, please fill out the application form on the reverse side and return it to the Summer Village Office prior to July 16th,

DATE: Harvesting is planned to take place in mid July of 2024 (because this is weather permitting - we do not have an exact date)
COST: $285 per lot (must be paid to the Summer Village of West Cove prior to July 16th , 2024)





The Summer Village of West Cove has downgraded its alert status to FIRE ADVISORY effective April 30th, 2024, 15:30 p.m.
Recreational Fires in acceptable fire pits are allowed.  
Residents are encouraged to learn and implement effective Fire Smart tips to reduce hazard within their properties.  More information can be found at www.firesmart.ca


If you have filed an official complaint against a neighbor and have chosen the option of filling out a barking package with the anticipation of Town of Mayerthorpe issuing a summons to the dog owner or caregiver on your behalf, please click the link below to download the barking package.

Barking Package



Health Advisory, blue=green algae

Download copy of advisory



With the wildfire season almost upon us, homeowners can take advantage of the FireSmart Home Assessment program to assess and mitigate your property risk to wildfire.  FireSmart Canada has developed a home assessment app to assist homeowners understand their home ignition zones and to help homeowners learn FireSmart principles designed to mitigate a home's vulnerability to wildfire.  "FireSmart Begins at Home", www.firesmartcanada.ca.



Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) is a unique 80/20 funding partnership between the Government of Alberta and participating municipalities or Métis settlements. Provincially, the FCSS Program receives its mandate from the FCSS Act and Regulation. The Act describes what the Province and municipality/Métis settlement can do to provide preventive social services. The Regulation describes how services may be provided.

FCSS Application for Funding



The followign tools are scheduled to be open until January 20, 2023.


Administration Office

Please be advised that the Administration Office move is complete!!  Our new location is 2317 Twp Rd 545, just west of the Onoway overpass (old Ste. Anne Gas building).  Our phone number and email remain the same.  Stop in for a visit and check out the new location!


Lagoon Road Work

Council requested and received a report on infrastructure maintenance in the Village.  One of the recommendations was to create an open area for about 30 meters east of the lagoon road.  This would allow for the road to drain and dry faster, thereby reducing ongoing maintenance costs.  A second benefit is that it provides a fire break. 


Road Ban Information

This Road Ban Notice applies to all Lac Ste. Anne County road surfaces, and supersedes the County’s standing weight restrictions on certain chip seal coat roadways.

This Notice shall remain in effect until further notice. If you require further information, please contact the Public Works department at www.lsac.ca.

Click to read full notice.


East End Bus Society

East End Bus Society is a cooperative effort of the Lac Ste. Anne County, the Town of Onoway and the Village of Alberta Beach to provide affordable transportation for seniors and handicapped. With additional financial support from 10 Summer Villages, Yellowstone, South View, Silver Sands, Val Quentin, Sunset Point, Sunrise Beach, Birch Cove, West Cove, Nakamun Park and Ross Haven. 

Service consists of scheduled shopping/medical trips to West Edmonton Mall, and Spruce Grove along with excursion and rentals by service clubs, special interest groups and community members.

Print Your East End Bus Calendar Here ...

Contact:  Lorna Porter, Coordinator
Phone:  780-905-3934
Email:  eastendbus@gmail.com


Organics Rules

Standstone will be collecting Organics beginning May 1, until November 1. The ORGANICS cart is for YARD WASTE only, as it will be accepted at our local Highway 43 Waste Commission for composting and ground cover. Below is a list of acceptable items to place in the Organics cart.


Grass clippings
Lake weeds
Tree prunings & branches (no larger than 1.5" in diameter)

Dog feces
Cat litter
Food scraps
Meat scraps
Plastic bags
Compostable plastic bags
Vegetable garden waste



Any contaminated carts will be identified and flagged as contaminants. The contaminated load will be taken directly to Highway 43 Landfill and deposited as WASTE, instead of ORGANICS. This additional cost will be paid the municipality and may be passed on to the resident.


Vegetable garden waste can go in your waste cart.


Happy Spring to you all.

Click for Downloadable Copy.



Rural Crime Watch

Recently, the quick response of a resident from a nearby community who reported suspicious activity to the RCMP led to the apprehension of the responsible individuals.  A reminder to all residents that we are the eyes and ears of our communities.   If you see suspicious activity, report it immediately to the RCMP or visit the website below and download the Alberta Rural Crime Watch app and report any crime or suspicious activity as it happens.​

Alberta Rural Crime Watch Website

Emergency - Police/Fire/Ambulance: 9-1-1

RCMP - Non-Emergency Line

Stony Plain Detachment: 1-825-220-7267


Lake Isle & Lac Ste. Anne Water Quality Management Society (LILSA)


Did you know that LILSA:

  • Advocates for the health of our lakes;
  • Is working hard to slow and prevent the spread of FLOWERING RUSH, an invasive species that is taking over Lake Isle and making its way to Lac Ste Anne;
  • Completed a State of the Watershed Report and is working with other organizations to develop a Watershed Management plan;
  • Partners with municipal and provincial governments to apply for grants and improve the quality of our lakes;
  • Is working on short and long-term solutions to improve our lakes and keep them healthy and useable for generations to come;
  • Needs more members to keep doing their important work!

Become a LILSA Member today!
There is no time commitment required. You can do as little or as much as you choose.
By becoming a member you will:

  • Help support the health of our lakes;
  • Be able to vote at our AGM;
  • Be eligible to run for the board;
  • Be a part of the solution!

Annual Memberships are $20 (individual or family) & can be purchased at:
Alberta Beach Village Office (4935-50Ave)    Lac Ste Anne County Building (56521 Rge Rd 65)  Onoway Town Office (4812-51St)


Flowering Rush

Flowering Rush is a prohibited, noxious weed that has been introduced into several Alberta water bodies.  It is an aquatic plant that grows as an emergent plant along shorelines of both lakes and rivers. Flowering Rush was brought to North America from Europe as a garden plant.  This variety will form dense stands which will interfere with recreational lake use.  Flowering Rush crowds out our native plants and has the potential to fill in an entire lake if left uncontrolled.

For more information - visit the Lake Isle Lac Ste. Anne (LILSA) website


Use of Municipal Reserve Areas

A reminder to all residents that vegetation such as trees, plants and flowers are not to be removed or planted on any municipal reserve areas without prior permission from the Sumner Village.   Any vegetation that has been planted on the municipal reserve areas without permission will be removed.  If you have planted anything on the municipal reserve areas, please remove or move to your property.  Your cooperation is appreciated.